UA Critical Incident Response Team
The University of Arizona Critical Incident Response Team – composed of various campus officials – focuses primarily on the management of situations involving critical incidents on campus. Its involvement is central to the successful implementation of the Campus Emergency Response Plan.

UA Risk Management and Safety
Risk Management Services (RMS) assists the campus community in creating a safe environment for faculty, staff, students, and visitors. RMS interprets national, state and local regulations related to occupational and environmental health and safety and provides guidance and support to UA operations and safety programs. Risk Management Services (RMS) is an active member of the UA Campus Use Committee that reviews and approves or denies applications for events held in public spaces on campus. Safety of participants and spectators of campus events is a priority of the Committee.

UA Police Department
There are many campus events that require supplemental police and security support. These include sporting events, concerts, lectures, workshops, testing, parties, and other special events. The Special Events section is responsible for coordinating these events to staff them with police and security personnel. Pay for personnel working these events is based on their salary, compensation polices of the University of Arizona, and the UAPD. UAPD cannot guarantee the provisioning of police or security personnel for all special events.